I want to sincerely thank everyone that traveled to Idaho and to our house last weekend. I can't begin to describe how much it means to me to have such an amazing group of people for family and friends. I'm overwhelmed by the love and consideration. It's been difficult to decompress this week, the house is so quiet with you all back to your respective locales. Returning to the hectic day-to-day has been met with less than enthusiastic energy. Erin secretly arranged to get my homies out here from the Midwest and East coast and they completely surprised me by showing up late at night, bounding through the front door with beers-a-spilling. My folks and my brother and his wife were in town as well, all the people I love dearly but barely ever get to see. Erin worked harder than usual (if that's even possible) all weekend: getting hockey tickets (twice!), party planning, cooking food, chasing Liam, serving drinks and cleaning an cleaning an cleaning. Thank you, baby. You are the best. On Saturday, we hosted a big ole BBQ complete with a multitude of whiskey gifts, 40's of Pabst, brats on the grill, brats in the kitchen, cupcakes and a house full of good friends. To those that made it over to party with us- Thank you. And to those couldn't make it- Cheers, we missed you. Now that I'm old, not only can I appreciate how awesome this was, I can properly express my gratitude to you for it.
Thanks for being so rad, even when you aren't being dared to.
Dude, I can feel the love through the interweb.
Congratulations on a Great Life. That's good work.
It was a pleasure to hang with the Sweeneys NW and Sweeneys of the Middle.
Sweeney Wife of the West, Elda
P.S. My "word verification" thing I have to type in is "shelina" I think you should consider having a daughter and naming her Shelina Sweeney.
Sorry to have missed such an awesome good time! Maybe we can pick this up for MY 40th in Nov.
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