April 7, 2010

Red Oval Classic Lager: $3.00 per six-pack...

We're home after a great, but all-too-brief stint on vacation. Pictures soon to follow.


Sean said...

wow! what a bargain! Lets hang out someday.

Wrecked Metals said...

Trader Joes! Not bad.

Jonny Hamachi said...

You might as well be smoking Sexy Mexy smuggled in in a surfboard.

Alright, You've got the Lad, I'll give You that.

Yeah, nevermind, choose your lenses, I mean, battles.

Where'dja go on vacation?

oldschooly said...

Yes, where'd you go besides Trader Joes?

P77 said...

Took lil homey down to see some of his Grandparents in...Arizona. Yeah, okay. I'm less traveled than the lot of ya's and I haven't lived near a TJs in some time but the can said it was from Wisconsin! Wasn't bad at fitty cents each either. Anyhoo, I shot a ton of photos and will post some up tomorrow (or later today as I just finished the Bar Shift That Refused To End). Thanks for piping up blog bros.