Hamachi updates his blog with such regularity he should call it Colon Blow. A couple of days ago he was commenting on his neighborhood and had a nice photo of the ghetto bird circling above. Yesterday, Liam and I were trying to head out for afternoon errands but the BPD had some dude trapped in a house on the corner. Half the street was camped out in our front yard watching the excitement. The guy finally surrendered with hands-on-head (and shirtless for some reason). The SWAT team let off a couple rounds of rubber bullets at the pit bulls that bounced out of the house with the fugitive. The zoom on my camera got me close enough to the action to observe one of the dogs clearly making something besides "aggressive actions". One of the bullets landed in the front yard and a neighbor kid scooped it up. It looks nothing like a bullet and it's huge, not something you wanna be hit with, when taking a dump or not. Quote of the afternoon came from an onlooker (clearly beaming as she said to her son upon his return from elementary school): "Look honey, there's a police standoff on the block and it's not even at our house!".

After about 20 minutes of requesting the guy to come out, they broke out the big guns.

This kid was lovin' the spotlight.
It's in me and it's got to come out.
man, i move and all the good stuff happens!
There goes the neighborhood...
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