We braved the cold and windy weather yesterday to hear the Jeremiah James Gang record a live show in the yard of the Old Idaho State Penitentiary. Hillfolk Noir recorded a set as well but inside one of the cell houses. Both bands sounded great and there was even beer on tap. The newly formed (and still unnamed*) tricycle gang was in attendance and the boys wasted no time taking control of the yard. Good times.
*Sean suggested The Chuck Norris Disciples. Rad.

How about the unheated solitary confinement cells, referred to as "Siberia".
I like the story about the guy who spent 14 years locked in one of those because he refused to give back a soup spoon.
The electric chair room is nice, too.
That place gives me the stone creeps.
Nice looking bunch of brats you got there.
Don't, and I mean DO NOT, teach them to speak. It is the beginning of the end.
Hilfolk Noir = My Highschool Chemistry Teacher, and her Husby. Small world
okay, you won the photo contest. I'm bummed the name is in use already. We will have to come up with a better one! That was super fun. Stay Dry two wheeler-Sean
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