My Dad's Mom (Liam's Great Grandmother) turned 92 yesterday. NINETY-TWO.
She lives in the same house my Dad and his 6 siblings grew up in.
Thinking of her makes me wish I was 7 years old again and she could spoil me rotten with homemade apple pie and cookies.
On the phone, her accent is just as thick as the movie Fargo,
she's still sharp and has a picture of Liam placed where she can see him,
right there in her living room. Awesome.
Nice pics.
I hope you were less dilatory in your birthday wishes than you have been in your posting as of late.
Have you ever heard the expression "oofta" from your Grandmother? I think it is Swedish or Norwegian but sounds mid western or Minnesotian. My Grandmother says it often, it is like 'gross" or something. You might say it after walking into a bathroom after somebody rolled a duece.
Aw jeez!
It's actually pronounced Uff-Da! (Norwegian)
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