Picture courtesy of horsephotos.com
Liam and I tuned in to the Capitols victory over the Pens this afternoon, a rare treat seeing playoff hockey on our crappy rabbit-ear tv. Excellent game. As it was raining and my "cold" is now officially a sinus infection, we didn't do much else but bum around the abode. After ice hockey came the Kentucky Derby. I know less about horse racing than I do about sinus infections, I do know I like the one and hate the other. I'm not much of a gambler in the sporting sense of the word (when E and I went to Vegas, we played quarter slots for about 10 minutes one afternoon) so playing the ponies is less about educated guesses and more about which horse has a cooler name (or which jockey's name sounds less annoying). With lil Liam as my witness, I scrolled down the list of racers and thought Mine That Bird sounded like a good one. He posted at 51-1 odds, even better: total underdog. I didn't realize Mine That Bird had won until they showed the top 5 on the screen. All the hair on my arms stood straight up. Liam had promptly fallen asleep on my lap as the horses bounded out of the gate, and I was left to marvel at how rich I should be (a $20 bet paid $1,020!) all by my lonesome. Fun race. Lucky draw.The Idaho Powerball was up to 77 Million on Friday, guess I have the luck but we need is the loot.
*We got Thai food for dinner and my fortune read: You will be rewarded for your efforts within the month. Hell jeah.
The wife picked that horse too. Too bad we didn't throw down a bet...
Ahh the hoary sport of horse racing, maybe with that kind of luck you could make a living betting at the track. To bad ours is no longer.
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