My days are filled with words. Whether it's morning e-mails and news sites, the 2-3 books and numerous magazines littering the bathroom floor (finding a good 25 minutes of quiet, alone-time to read is difficult, ya know) or my favorite: the daily Jumble. On Wednesdays, I enjoy an adult version of the paper route, where I'm not only reading the news but delivering it as well. I have always enjoyed reading. English was one of the few classes I really liked (and excelled at) while in high school (skateboarding and Meister Brau weren't part of the curriculum). So with that in mind, the newest addition to the blog is more in the spirit of continued learning and less about advertising for dictionaries. Hope you dig it.

I've always come here for the argosy of great pics and witty prose.
I'm diggin it. I've got two online scrabble games going at all times.
High. Five.
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