January 23, 2009

I just peeked out the window and was surprised to see everything covered in snow. I quickly scooted down the hall to the computer to see what the weather was doing. No, I didn't go outside and look, that takes effort. And shoes. I'm mildly obsessed with checking the local temperature and forecast, part of that comes from working outside everyday but it's mostly 'cause I need consistent fuel for my inferno of complaints. Anyway, I visit the NWS web page every morning and I tend to get abnormally excited when a new icon appears in the Forecast at a Glance (last week there was Freezing Drizzle!). If I don't read the 7 Day Forecast posted directly under the pictures it's pretty entertaining. Take Overnight tonight and Friday:

OVERNIGHT: 20% chance of huge but partial snowflakes falling on a really small car.
FRIDAY: A church-brochure sun rising above mild, sort of Simpson-like clouds.
FRIDAY NIGHT: 20% chance of rain on the little car on that same stretch of road.
I guess that means I'll be warm and dry for tomorrow's deliveries.


N*88 said...

You should read the forecast discussions at the bottom of the page. The authors initials are at the bottom. That way when Megs writes it, you can make fun of what a nerd she is.

The Dead Acorn said...

Whoever drives that car must have pissed off the weather gods something fierce.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see my efforts don't go unnoticed!

Anonymous said...

And also...

Those little pictures are paint by number. That's what we do between midnight and 5 am.